Great White
by Robbo
Posted on 17 August 2021

Rating -
Great White is a 2021 Australian survival horror film directed by Martin Wilson, written by Michael Boughen and produced by Neal Kingston and Michael Robertson with executive producers Jack Christian and Christopher Figg. The film stars Katrina Bowden, Aaron Jakubenko, Tim Kano, Te Kohe Tuhaka and Kimie Tsukakoshi.
A pair of seaplane operators, Kaz Fellows and her boyfriend, Charlie Brody, along with their passengers, Joji Minase, his wife, Michelle and cook Benny, take a flight to picturesque Hell’s Reef.
Upon landing they encounter a corpse that has washed up after a suspected shark attack. They report it to the coast guard but find the man’s phone has a picture of his girlfriend.
Benny and Charlie coax the others into tracking the yacht the couple were on in case she survived. Joji believes it hopeless and objects to being put a risk. Kaz flies off with all five searching for the missing damaged yacht. They find the yacht capsized and Benny dives in to investigate the wreck in case the girl is trapped inside. He finds her partially consumed corpse and returns to the seaplane whereupon the great white shark reappears and attacks one of the floats of the seaplane. The seaplane begins to sink so all five depart for the plane’s life raft.
Drifting in the current, Charlie tries to navigate using the life rafts meager compass and oars hoping the current will take them close to shore.
The rest of the film has them trying to row their way to shore whilst fending off repeated attacks from the great white.
I must say that this shark film lacks teeth. It’s an OK concept and story but it really fails to build tension.
Any shark film will always be compared to Jaws and this really doesn’t compare.
The actors try their best but what could have been a really thrilling horror film is neither thrilling or horrific and the climactic scene was funny more than dramatic.
As shark films go, there are many more that are better and would advise you to give this a miss unless you have an hour and half of your life to throw away.
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